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Effigy Mounds II | Sea Serpents IV | Atlantis IV
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elcome to Mysterious World®, your online guide to exotic travel destinations around the world! Mysterious World is a quarterly online journal dedicated to exploring ancient and exotic locales around the world, providing you with the information you need to truly appreciate what they have to offer. Mysterious World provides you with the historical, archaeological, and travel information, as well as biographical information about famous people and artifacts related to these famous locales. Whether you are planning that dream trip to Egypt, or you are looking for an interesting nearby destination for a simple day trip, or overnight excursion, Mysterious World covers it all.

In our Winter, 2002 issue of Mysterious World, we are pleased to announce an upgraded Editorial section, which now includes Press Releases and Book Reviews. Please check out the press releases from Worringham Safaris and Travel Geo. Worringham Safaris offers exclusive "safari lodges" that give you a personal, one-on-one experience with the florae and faunae of Zambia, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa. Travel Geo invites you to visit charming Lazio, Italy and experience its old-world charm and unique sights, sounds, tastes and smells that can be found only in Italy. And, in our new Book Reviews section we review Ivar Zapp and George Erickson's "Atlantis in America", wherein mssrs. Zapp and Erickson argue that ancient Atlantis was not located on a mythical island continent in the middle of the Atlantis, but in the Americas, particularly around the area of Central America.

Our Fragments section is a foursquare collection of easy-to-digest tidbits of information on various interesting topics that are not quite big enough to merit a full-size feature story. This quarter's collection includes four short articles that all cover different topics, in locations thousands of miles apart yet, as we shall see, all are strangely linked. This quarter's fragments include the mysterious Lid of Palenque, Atlantis Off Cuba?, Black Mummies and White Mummies. In these articles, as in our series on Atlantis, we have been discovering in our series of articles on Atlantis, the ancient world may have been a far different place than we have thought.

For the first of the three major travel articles we provide each quarter, we are pleased to present the second installment in our two-part series on Iowa's Effigy Mounds. In Part I we discussed the cultural and historical background in which the mounds were built, the physical layout of the mounds and the amenities offered the everyday tourist by the Effigy Mounds National Monument. In Part II we will delve more deeply into the religious and cultural background of the Native Americans who built the monuments, where their ancestors came from, and their possible connection to colonists from ancient Atlantis.

Our second offering this quarter is the fourth installment in our four-part series on Mysterious Sea Serpents. This fourth and final installment, "The Search Continues", will cover the numerous "lesser Nessies" that can be found around the world, review the meaning of man's fascination with sea serpents, and investigate rumours of a massive, unknown creature recently detected by the U.S. Navy's underwater listening posts.

Finally, we have the conclusion of our popular "Atlantis" series of articles. In Part IV, we will investigate the current status of the search for Atlantis, including a review of new theories on the location of Atlantis. We will then review the legend of Atlantis based upon our analysis of the three major sources of information on Atlantis and the antediluvian world; Plato, the Bible and Edgar Cayce, new theories on the possible location of Atlantis and some startling new evidence of underwater pyramids off the coast of Cuba which some believe may be remnants of lost Atlantis.

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions as to what sorts of information you need to make your travel plans complete, please e-mail me at

Bon Voyage,

Doug Elwell
President and Publisher
Mysterious World
February 15, 2002

Editorial | Press Releases | Book Reviews | Fragments
Effigy Mounds II | Sea Serpents IV | Atlantis IV
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